Chicago to roll out food waste bins

New York City's food waste collection containers feature a catch to deter rats. By Marjie Isaacson Chicago residents soon may have a drop-off option for responsibly disposing of food waste, provided free by the city’s Department of Street and Sanitation. Food waste sites throughout the city will be a welcome development. Chicago has long been lagging behind many metropolitan areas in addressing the food waste problem. When organic materials are sent to the landfill, they emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Avoiding this result is an important strategy in mitigating the effects of climate change. In addition, Streets and San is restarting the distribution of backyard compost bins. Composting at home is the most environmentally friendly way of managing organic wastes, but not everyone has the space or desire to do so. Chicago's food waste collection will start this August or soon...