EVA Monday: Appraiser Kaegi defends property reassessments

Residential assessments rose 24% in West Town's tax district, West Chicago township. East Village is in regions 51 and 120. Property assessment notices are out, and increases are substantial. Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi will explain the changes Aug. 2 in EVA's first in-person meeting of 2021. Kaegi's office will consider complaints till Aug. 23, and homeowners can appeal the assessor's decisions to the county's Board of Review. EVA's discusssion of the process will be led by Greg Nagel, a real estate broker, CPA and former EVA president. The presentation starts at 7 p.m. at Homestead , the rooftop restaurant at 1924 W. Chicago Ave. Barring technical difficulties, we'll attempt a live stream on Zoom and Facebook . Residential assessments rose 24% overall since 2018, according to assessor's office data for West Chicago township, which includes East Village. Changes vary for each property, but increases reported informally to EVA range from 40% to ...