Wells expands high school choices

Wells Community Academy High School, 936 N. Ashland Ave. East Village Association membership meeting April 1, 2019, Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott Ave. Presiding: Michael VanDam, president Wells Community Academy High School has been allocated $120,000 as a "magnet cluster" in fine and performing arts. This program adds art, music, dance and drama to Wells' specialties in JROTC, law and computers, and allows the neighborhood school at 936 N. Ashland Ave. to attract more students from outside its boundaries. Wells Principal Michael Stosek will address East Village Association members June 3. While Wells won the fine arts designation, Ogden International School at 1250 W. Erie St. bid unsuccessfully for a bilingual program to complement its international baccalaureate designation. Michele Dreczynski and Grand Drutchas told members they've been working to establish a local language academy high school, devoted to bilingual proficiency, which benefits pupils...