New alderman, crime watch, drinks on Damen, EVA election

1st Ward alderman-elect Daniel La Spata will join us Monday and likely field a few questions. Jose Rivera, chief of staff to 2nd Ward Ald. Brian Hopkins, will give an update on safety and security, and we'll talk about next steps for the Shake-It bar-restaurant at 820 N. Damen. Join us at 7pm Monday at Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott.
Also on the agenda:
- Update on 2nd Ward safety and security from Jose Rivera, chief of staff to Ald. Brian Hopkins
- Volunteer opportunities with Eckhart Park, from Ben Beadles and Claudia Sainsot
- Preliminary discussion on Shake-It restaurant at 820 N. Damen
- Officer elections for 2019. Proposed slate:
- Michael VanDam, President
- Michelle Hayward, Vice President
- John Gantner, Treasurer
- Neal McKnight, Secretary
- Schools/CAPS Updates