Neighbors OK Happy Village dining plan

Dimitrios Christopoulos, Cherlyn Pilch and Andrew Miller address Happy Village neighbors. East Village Association membership meeting 7pm Monday, Oct. 1, Bath House Cultural Center, 1019 N. Wolcott Ave. Presiding: Michael VanDam, president By a show of hands, neighbors agreed with a prospective new owner's plans to add food service at the Happy Village tavern, with homes replacing the adjoining game room. "There are still some questions," said Ald. Brian Hopkins, who must guide a liquor license transfer through the Liquor Control Commission and City Council. "If you live near Happy Village we absolutely want to hear from you." The vote was opened to all 55 people attending the Oct. 1 East Village Association membership meeting, many of whom lived near the bar at 1059 N. Wolcott Ave. Hopkins said he would reimpose a license freeze and downzone the adjoining building, leaving the bar as the block's only commercial property. Lawyer Dimitrius C...