Wells sheds light on ballpark night use

Ballfields will be lighted for night games at Wells High School. East Village Association membership meeting Sept. 11, 2017 Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott Ave. President's Welcome Michael VanDam called the EVA community meeting together with a reminder: The board meets at 6:30pm Monday, Sept. 18. Meeting locations have been moving around, so watch Facebook for notifications. Field of Hope Rita Raichoudhuri, principal at Wells High School, discussed ballpark development behind the building at 936 N. Ashland Ave. Timeframe for completion is by Halloween. Initially, specs were to include a soccer and a baseball field. Zoning allows only an Illinois High School Association regulation-size soccer field. The baseball team can only practice but not play official games on the field. Two sets of bleachers, each holding 75 persons, will be on the East side of the field. Neighbors in attendance raised concerns regarding the recently installed field lights. Lights will be use...