EVA vote: Pure Dairy-Leona's condos
East Village Association minutes for Aug. 1, 2016, by Daniel Navarro
Call to order 7:05pm at Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott Ave.
Augusta Dairy developers
EVA Planning, Preservation and Development chair introduced Nick Ftikas from the Samuel V.P. Banks law office, Ramiel Kenoun of Space Architects and Todd Mullen of MCZ Development to describe plans for the former Pure Farm Products dairy and Leona's restaurant building at 1936-44 W. Augusta Blvd.
Foote: EVA has been working with the development team for a couple of months, have had comments and revisions to incorporate the community desire for the initial building with the developers needs.
Ftikas: 10,000 sq ft site all residential. Important to maintain the initial façade. Have set that up to retain the front portion of that building and building the back.
Kenoun: Playing off the site's building within a building. Will put a set back from front façade with building a symmetrical back building. 5 story, 16 units with 1:1 parking. 4 units per floor roughly 1,400 sq. ft. per unit with roof deck. Will restore front façade with white glazing to mimic what is current there, will create a couple of new openings and restoring 4 peaks (parapets) that were there prior to Leona's. Site plans show the different units. The last page contains rendering of new image.
Foote: Most of the concerns the PP&D committee had have been addressed. The team has been very obligating to our concerns and comments. PP&D also supports the rear variance they are requesting. There are some concerns of height of building. Requesting commitment of the material of the building, especially in the back where it may be blocking views. In general, PP&D feels this project matches concerns.
Catherine Garypie: If cannot save the tile, what will be done to restore or bring back the original. Kenoun: Yes we will look into doing what we need to be able to restore or match the original tile. Mullin: We will do what we can within reasonable money, if that means looking nationally. But the tile is old and may not be exactly match, worst case scenario will be to rebuild the entire wall to match what it looked like before.
Garypie: Will you commit to matching? Kenoun: We will repurpose bricks where we can or go out to look for them if need to within reason. Neal McKnight: There are certain people within EVA that did say they will help to look for it.
Q: What is the request to rear variance? Kenoun: It is currently 30, the building will have a front set back of 12 feet and we will split the difference of 12 in the back.
Q: What are the units on the first floor? Mullin: Duplex down from the second floor. Q: What is the opening of the windows in the façade? Kenoun: It will be a knee height floor bed with a natural border to prevent people from coming in.
Q: What is the height? Kenoun: 67'10" to the front parapet.
Q: Where is the nearest 5 story building on Augusta? Mullen: There isn't any, but we are building within zoning.
Q: Does the building require store front? Ftikas: No, per the zone it does not need commercial. We will come back to EVA before we commit to tearing the façade down if there are structural damage will not stand. We have committed to coming back if need to tear down.
Q: Will these be rentals or condos? Mullen: These will be condos.
Catherine: Where is the demo permit? Ftikas: Will need to apply for one for the demo. Ald. Hopkins asked to rely on EVA as to the permits. The landmarks will need to review. The zoning has been a b2-3 since May 2007. Need to reduce loading requirement and set back from 30 to 12 feet and that is after the landmarks. Still at least 90 days from demo.
Q: Have you named the building? Mullen: No, we are open to name suggestions.
Q: Are you required to provide affordable housing? Dick: No, we are not requiring a zone change.
Dan Johnson: Voting limited to current dues paying members one. No oppose or oppose. Voting on project as proposed today, material circulated. No stipulation added. Raise your hand if you do not oppose the project as proposed today.
Vote: 14 did not oppose and 4 have voted to oppose as presented. We will move forward and inform alderman how we have voted.
August Block Party
Moving it to Aug. 27 on the 800 block of Winchester from 2-7pm.
Parks and Polish Triangle Update
Stephen Rynkiewicz: Food truck is up, will be selling sandwiches and coffee. Tuesdays at the Triangle will continue this month with performances at 5:30pm
New Business
September general meeting will discuss the proposed liquor moratorium lift on Wolcott. McKnight: Happy Village and Hopkins have agreed to bring to EVA. Alderman may be at meeting Sept 12. The meeting will be at the Winchester, 1001 N. Winchester Ave. Still waiting for this to be confirmed. We are going to ask for a written proposal.