Wells back in session

Principal Ernesto Matias meets with East Village Association members Monday with the start of another challenging year for Wells High School.

When Matias last spoke to EVA in May 2012 he discussed plans to improve teacher training and plans for a Field of Hope baseball and soccer field. The Field of Dreams now is set to break ground next year, and project coordinator, Susan Nusbaum will join Matias at 7 pm in the Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott.

Only 11% of students met state goals in the 2012 Illinois School Report Card results released this week. The results were on par with nearby Clemente High School but fell short of the state average of 51.3%, according to a Chicago Tribune analysis.

The Noble Street charter schools Rauner, Golden and Noble had Prairie State Achievement Examination rankings of 59%, 49% and 47%. Among elementary schools serving East Village, La Salle II ranked highest in the Illinois Standard Achievement Test, with 95% of tests meeting the state standard, followed by Columbus School with 87%, Pritzker 84%, Otis 82% and Peabody 64%.
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