Fifield reworks Chicago Avenue plan

Perspective view of 1822-50 W. Chicago Ave., September 2012 East Village Association board meeting minutes, Nov. 12, 2012 Submitted by Meghan Quinn Holiday Party 2012 Directors would like to have it on Dec. 3, the first Monday night in December. [Date and details are not final at this posting.] Event will be potluck and we will try to get 2 or 3 restaurants to sponsor or provide food. Neal McKnight will ask 3 Floyds to donate beer. Next meeting’s speakers Business Minute: Meghan Quinn will ask Pure Vibes Fitness and Inside Home for Jan. 7 membership meeting. Idea floated to have five or so businesses at a time at each meeting to represent areas of the neighborhood, i.e. Chicago Avenue Business Minute. Guest Speaker: McKnight will contact U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley ’s office to see if someone is available. Another idea would be to have a speaker from city Housing and Economic Development to discuss the department's vision.