East Village holiday party: No agenda here

There's no reason to drop in at Bleeding Heart Bakery Cafe tonight except to meet people and have fun. No votes will be taken (well, maybe on Foursquare). The cash bar is lined up, but you work out who's buying the first beer. No builders will make presentations, although if you bring a dish for the potluck something good will develop. If it's not in your budget, just stop in and say hi. Wait till another day for trees to be planted, licenses granted or handbills supplanted. Looking for a public forum? Come chat up your neighbors. We'll start around 6:30 at 1916 W. Chicago. There will be no drive-through. Happy holidays!
I'll give you a topic: Discussion has broken out at eastvillagechicago.org following last week's posting about convenience-store liquor sales. It's not all about whether more package goods are a good idea, although the neighboring Wicker Park Committee has a view on where that might lead. At facebook.com/eastvillagechicago the talk is more about lack of community review, and in a long chain of comments on the MSNBC-affiliated site everyblock.com thoughts are all over the place. It's all good, although at this point comments might best be directed to Ald. Proco Joe Moreno. The old 1st Ward comment page is dead, but the link at left should work. Drop in tonight and talk about whatever you want.