Valuable tips on property taxes

Sharpen your pencils for these takeaways from Monday's property-tax presentation by Greg Nagel of the Ask Nagel realty service and Aaron Bilton, deputy commissioner of the Cook County Board of Review:

• Only 27% of homeowners challenge their taxes, which means the rest may be leaving money on the table. You can challenge your tax assessment every year and the county will either validate or lower the property value that sets your tax bill.

• A Board of Review outreach program allows you to appeal your taxes for free by simply filling out a one-page document. A session will be scheduled for a future East Village Association meeting.

• Homeowner and senior exemptions that lower the tax bill now must be applied for every year. Shockingly, 30% of eligible homeowners fail to take their exemption!

More good tips are in the property tax handout from Nagel's presentation. Dues-paying EVA members will be able to download the handout from the OhSoWe announcement list. Watch your e-mail for instructions on how to log in and access more features, including a neighborhood directory and a list of items you can borrow from neighbors.

If you aren't a paid member, we've already saved you the cost of a tax lawyer. Dues are cheap and can be charged to your credit card annually. Sign up from the PayPal widget on this page.
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Ask Nagel business card.

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