Bleeding Heart final vote: 37-11

Board meeting minutes for Jan. 11, 2011
Submitted by Dana Palmer

Attendance: Board Members: Greg Nagel, Neal McKnight, Nicole Ellise, Dana Palmer, Scott Rappe, Aaron Bilton and Tom Tomek; Non-Board Members: Margorie Issacson, Rich Anselmo and Kok Keng Gow. Meeting Commenced at 6:40 p.m.

Followup regarding vote for Bleeding Heart Bakery and the request for a special use permit to allow a second floor outdoor deck/patio

After reconfirming with PayPal and updating the membership list, the final vote of confirmed EVA members was 37 yes and 11 no in support of granting a special use permit. There were also 8 votes cast by individuals that were not confirmed members of EVA 7 of which voted yes and only 1 no vote. Therefore, the non confirmed votes do not sway or have any influence over the final decision to support the special use permit. Scott Rappe agreed to issue a formal letter to Alderman Moreno about the vote.


Dana Palmer has confirmed and reconfirmed with PayPal regarding dues that have been paid and has finished updating the membership list. She has also confirmed with Treasurer Nicole Semple about dues paid by mail and in person. A copy of the membership list will be sent by Dana to Greg Nagel. The Board also discussed the need for a person to be appointed membership chair to maintain the accuracy of the membership list. Kok Keng Gow expressed interest and an email blast will be sent out to all members asking if anyone else is interested. Nicole Semple will obtain a receipt book for the treasurer to have that will give each person paying their dues by mail or in person a copy of their payment and EVA a copy of payment as well.

Roots follow up

Many neighbors have expressed concern with Roots plan to have a pizza pickup window on the side of Winchester Ave. open until 2 a.m. Rich Anselmo stated that he and his wife Gladys have done some research and have come up with no legal reasons or zoning issues with the pickup window.

However, there is still much concern about this issue. Scott Rappe has set up a meeting with Alderman Moreno for the Board to meet regarding this issue. The Board plans to express with Alderman Moreno the lack of concessions made by Roots and the request of eliminating the pick up window.

Division-Ashland development

Greg Nagel reported a proposal that was brought to his attention regarding the old Pizza Hut location at Division and Ashland. According to Nagel, Shorewood Development has a proposal for a one-story bank with a drive-through. Nagel stated that he spoke with the representative about the interest of the neighborhood to have a more residential and pedestrian-friendly use for that location.

The representative then came back with an proposal to have a residential building above a bank with one drive-through lane if the parking requirement could be reduced. Nagel discussed this with the alderman, who stated he had the ability to reduce the parking requirement for a residential building. However, the board was unsupportive of the proposal due to the effect it would have on the pedestrian designation and foot traffic issues with the drive through lane.

1st Ward liaison

At last general meeting on 1/3/11, the alderman was wrongly represented regarding his position with the Bleeding Heart Bakery. Alderman Moreno wrote a letter to EVA Board about this issue apologizing for the misrepresentation. According to Rich Anselmo, Rhonda Locke may be asked to attend EVA meetings in the future to more accurately show aldermanic representation.

Possible bylaw changes to avoid abuse with membership

Concerns have been raised about the possibility that a spike in membership may have been due to stacking votes in favor of or against a recent proposal. Therefore, the board discussed various alternatives or changes that could be made to prevent this in the future. Rich Anselmo reported that he did some brief research of the various surrounding neighborhood organizations and took a look at their membership rules.

Suggestions were made for longer wait times before eligibility to vote, multi-tiered membership and proof of residency. After much debate, it was decided that proof of residency or ownership in residence or a business along with current payment of dues after a 30 day wait period would grant voting rights. Aaron Bilton agreed to draft this proposed bylaw change and present it to the board for further debate. The final proposal to change bylaws will then be posted in the newsletter 30 days prior to membership vote.

March elections

Elections for board members is in March. Greg Nagel suggested the board could be the nominating committee but that an email blast should be sent out asking if any members are interested in pursuing a board position.

Greg Nagel, Neal McKnight and Dana Palmer expressed a desire to remain in their current positions, but Nicole Simple stated she would prefer to step down if a new treasurer could be appointed.


February: Manny Gonzalez with Streets and Sanitation will be the guest speaker. However, a business minute is still needed. Scott Rappe suggested Bucktown Music, Nicole Semple suggested a new butcher in the neighborhood and Rich Anselmo suggested Clear Sublime a new hair salon in the neighborhood. They will each check with the businesses and get back to the Board. March: Greg Nagel suggested having a presentation on taxes and reductions.


Greg Nagel brought up the issue that EVA would like to be more active in the schools in our neighborhood but does not quite know where to fit in. He stated he would ask other members about what can be done to improve upon our schools and how EVA can be a part of that.

Meeting adjourned: 7:54 p.m.
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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