Jan. 3 EVA vote limited to Bleeding Heart deck

At our Jan. 3 meeting, EVA will take a vote on the specific request brought to us regarding the special use for Bleeding Heart Bakery Cafe to have a rooftop deck.
The specific motion that will be voted on is as follows: The East Village Association supports the Bleeding Heart Bakery receiving a Special Use allowing them to get a permit for a rooftop deck at 1916 W. Chicago.
Members that want Bleeding Heart to get a rooftop deck would vote affirmatively in favor of this motion. Members that do not want Bleeding Heart to get a rooftop deck shall vote negatively or against this motion.
The specific request had nothing to do with Roots other than they happened to be the same developers and information regarding both projects were presented to EVA simultaneously. Therefore, our vote will be specific to just Bleeding Heart. That means that despite the result of the vote on the Bleeding Heart Special Use, there should be no misunderstanding that this vote is an EVA endorsement nor a EVA rebuff of the Roots business.
The reasoning behind making this a more narrowly defined vote, is that the EVA should only be voting on items that we have an influence on. The Roots project is currently under construction and they are moving forward as a matter of right.
As the moderator of the meeting, I will focus the Q&A and commentary regarding the Bleeding Heart proposal on just Bleeding Heart. With that said, we have asked the Roots developers to present what their business plan regarding Roots and to be open to questions and commentary after and only after the vote has taken place.
As this project has generated a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of concern, I would remind all that we want everyone to express their opinion but to do so in a neighborly and respectful way. If necessary, I will remind people of this during the meeting.
Per our bylaws, only members over 16 years of age and who have been members for a minimum of one month are eligible to vote. An individual or a senior membership entitles the holder to one vote. In a family membership each family member of voting age is entitled to vote, however, the voting capacity of a family membership cannot exceed three votes. An institutional membership entitles a designated person to one vote.
We look forward to seeing you on Jan. 3. Happy holidays!