What will replace Pizza Hut? One developer's idea

The East Village Association board reviews a speculative plan for the former Pizza Hut property at 1601 W. Division. EVA has supported transit-oriented development of the site.
Board Members: Neal McKnight, Nicole Semple, Dana Palmer, Stephen Rynkiewicz, Scott Rappe and Tom Tomek
Non-Board Members: Marjorie Isaacson, Rich Anselmo, Brooke Ingram, David Agosto and Jillian Tenebrini
Meeting commenced: 6:40 p.m. at Leona's, 1936 W. Augusta
Chicago Bowl
The board will recommend not opposing a Public Place of Amusement license for Chicago Bowl, 1834-50 W. Chicago. This will be brought to a membership vote Nov. 1.
Cab stand on Chicago
A cab stand will not be necessary if Chicago Bowl comes in because Chicago Avenue is a major street with a large amount of cab traffic already.
Dog waste clean-up
Dana Palmer made signs to be posted in the neighborhood notifying the public to clean up after their pets. These signs will be distributed at the membership meeting in November. Board agreed to reimburse Dana Palmer for sign-making expenses.
Ald. Joe Moreno also committed to purchasing boxes for dog waste bags that can be placed throughout the neighborhood. However, the public will be responsible for refilling those boxes.
Augusta Boulevard parking
Scott Rappe reported that the alderman will not support changes in meter parking on this street because the metered spots were designated in the parking deal.
Trees on Augusta
Neal McKnight reported that within 30 days a survey will take place to locate and document all the trees in the neighborhood. Volunteers will be needed. This will be the first step in the attempt to have trees placed on Augusta Boulevard.
Police liaison
Tom Tomek reported to the group about the monthly CAPS meeting he attended. He has agreed to attend meetings to keep EVA apprised of criminal issues in the area.
Pizza Hut property
David Agosto presented plans to build a tower at the old Pizza Hut location at the southwest corner of Division and Ashland. Agosto stated the property could support only a bank or drugstore on its first floor. The board was very concerned about complications to an already high level of vehicular traffic.
The plans involve a drive-through on the first floor with traffic exiting onto Ashland Avenue. Concerns were raised about effects on the bus stop, bike lane and high pedestrian traffic. The proposal does not match Special Service Area plans and community sentiment for pedestrian-friendly business.
Rappe is to draft a letter stating the board voted to not support Agosto's proposal.
November membership meeting
Chicago Bowl group will be make a presentation and the group will be asked to vote on support of a PPA. Also, Dan Nehm will be doing a presentation on green windows and a representative from Bend Yoga will be doing the business minute.
Membership list
Dana Palmer has agreed to update the current membership list by the Nov. 1 meeting.
Student projects
Brooke Ingram with the School of Art Institute was present at the meeting to talk about a planning project for the Polish Triangle and its CTA station (Blue Line at Division) and to learn what residents wanted.
Urban Transportation Center research assistant Jillian Tenebrini and a fellow University of Illinois at Chicago student also were present. They are working on a project involving Chicago Avenue from Ashland to Western, to examine why that area is underdeveloped and how it can be improved.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 p.m.