Near North Montessori pupils plan garden

Planning an East Village garden is part of this year's curriculum at Near North Montessori School , 1434 W. Division. Students in this project will describe their assignment at Monday's East Village Association meeting. The students' statement follows; learn more at 7 p.m. in the Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott. We have volunteered to be part of our school’s gardening committee. We have been presented with the task of starting a school farm that will feed our school community and provide lessons for our classrooms about where our food comes from. The Rappes, former grandparents in our school community, have allowed us to use their vacant lots on Wood Street as a site for our school farm. Since we are going to be neighbors, we wanted to let you in on our plans. We plan on growing food organically all four seasons, making our own compost, holding classes outdoors, creating a sustainable irrigation system, and building natural, perennial ecosystems for students to play in. T...