Aug. 3 barbecue: This grilling bring comfort

President Message by John Scheer August is the East Village Association annual tradition for the summer barbecue. This year, comfort comes from burgers provided by EVA members from The Boundary, side dishes from you and your neighbors bring one of your favorites to share and some gelato from Cafe Piccolo. The barbecue is open to all neighbors and is one of the annual events designed to encourage new EVA memberships. In addition to an evening of good food and neighbors, new members who join at the barbecue will receive a membership through 2010. Everyone is encouraged to reach out to neighbors who are not currently EVA members and extend a personal invitation to join us Aug. 3 at the Happy Village. Special invites have been extended to our aldermen to join their constituents for an evening of food and fun. The EVA board has been working on other entertainment for the evening. So come join the tradition and join EVA. East Village Association Summer Barbecue This is a p...