East Village Association on Twitter @evachicago

A high-profile neighborhood vote was first reported not on newspaper websites or blogs but on Twitter.
Bulletins from the East Village neighborhood and the larger West Town community are available at http://www.twitter.com/evachicago. A May 4 message read, "After 1-hour Q&A on restaurant, EVA members voted for zoning change with stipulations (security, no deck) and only at 1924 Chicago."
Twitter is a social networking service for Web browsers, cell phones and instant-messaging systems. Its short-message format (roughly 25 words or less) lends itself to announcements of new articles as they are posted at the East Village Association website, eastvillagechicago.org, or the related evachicago discussion group on the Yahoo! website.
The May 4 vote on the zoning change was advisory to Ald. Manuel Flores (1st Ward).
The Twitter feed @evachicago also relays Chicago Police crime reports, property transfer listings and neighborhood news from local websites. The nonprofit everyblock.org search engine and a similar commercial service, outside.in, index articles that mention local addresses.
The neighborhood is underserved by local media. Chicago Journal, a free weekly newspaper, stopped circulating in the area in March, and Pioneer Press shut down a subscription weekly in 2005. East Village is bounded by Division Street, Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago Avenue and Damen Avenue.
The East Village Association also announces its activities on a Facebook page and a Google calendar.