May 4 vote on Chicago Avenue restaurant

The East Village Association takes an advisory membership vote Monday, May 4, on a zoning change for 1916-24 W. Chicago Ave. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Happy Village Tavern, 1059 N. Wolcott. Billy Loumbardias, the prospective tenant, described the proposal before the March 2 membership meeting . Here Loumbardias summarizes recent changes to the plan: The proposed Winchester restaurant, to be located at 1924 W. Chicago Ave., has been previously presented to this community. We are pleased to advise that the West Town Chicago Chamber of Commerce and the East Village Neighbors have pledged support to this exciting project. On March 2, this project was presented to the East Village Association. Although some concerns were raised, we are hopeful that we have successfully addressed these concerns below and are happy to have the opportunity to address any remaining concerns again on May 4 at the East Village Association general meeting: Noise Control We pledge to use materials s...