Brief campaign gets one day shorter: Next meeting Monday, March 2
Just when you thought all of the campaigning was over and the election run-offs were behind us, it’s time for the East Village Association membership to exercise their voting rights one more time and vote for the EVA officers for this next year.
We are not going to spend any money on TV spots and there are no town hall meeting scheduled. It's a much shorter election cycle than we've been used to lately.
The March meeting is the annual EVA officer election and this year. It should prove as interesting as any prior one, if for no other reason because new members are stepping forward to volunteer their time and energy to be part of the East Village.
We have two new candidates running for secretary and treasurer. Dana Palmer and Brodi Cole (be sure to read more about their biographies) are both newer to the East Village and both have very good roots within our neighborhood. Both are women, which enables us to improve our diversity in this next year. Please join us at the Monday, March 2 EVA general meeting and bring your support for our candidates for this next year.
That's another important fact about the March meeting: It is being moved up one day, rather than on the traditional first Tuesday of the month. It still will be held at 7 p.m. at the Happy Village tavern, a Wolcott and Thomas streets. I want to make sure that everyone gets the message of this date change and hope that personal schedules can accommodate this change. Please join us then.
If you have taken the time to renew your EVA membership for 2009, I thank you. If your renewal is pending, please submit your dues payment soon (you can pay online from the lower left corner of this page) so that you can retain your voting privileges. And if you prefer to remain a non-member, you are welcome and encouraged to still attend the EVA monthly meetings. Your support will be put to good use.