East Village businesses blossom with liquor moratorium; EVA election March 4

President’s Message By Mary Szpur

The liquor moratorium currently in place in East Village was implemented approximately 15 years ago, and was an effort to promote business diversity and a pleasant neighborhood ambience. The catalyst for the moratorium was the fact that East Village was being bombarded by requests for liquor stores and bars.

EVA members surveyed the neighborhood and found that the neighborhood was already well served by approximately 75 licenses (package, incidental, tavern, and public places of amusement) at the time.

Community members thought that the restrictions of the moratorium would be a useful planning tool that would lend some diversity to local business development and would promote the establishment of florists, hair salons, bookstores, food stores, clothing stores, home stores and other services that we needed and wanted.

East Village has changed, and West Town Chamber of Commerce has written a letter of support for lifting the liquor moratorium in East Village. We need to discuss
this issue as a community, and EVA plans to offer a forum for doing so in the near future.

East Village Association officer elections will be held at the March membership meeting on Tuesday, March 4. We are fortunate to have an excellent slate of candidates for three of the four vacant offices as follows:

President - John Scheer: John has served on the EVA Board and on the Membership
Committee for the last year, and in recent years has worked on several important issues in East Village.

Vice President - Greg Nagel: Greg has served as the Aldermanic Liaison for EVA for the last year, working with aldermen of the 1st, 32nd, and 26th Wards to communicate needs of our community.

Treasurer - Brian Thompson: Brian has served as Vice President of EVA for the last year.

Secretary - This office is still open, and we are seeking candidates.

If you are interested in running for any of the above offices, please send an email to current EVA President Mary Szpur at: maryseva@gmail.com.

Only EVA members in good standing (i.e., dues paid for 2008) can vote in the March 4 election.
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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