Planning, Preservation & Development Committee Update by Scott A. Rappe
This month, with the assistance of Steve Rynkiewicz, we got a secure online workspace
up and running. This ‘wiki’, a sort of collaborative webpage, can be easily accessed and
edited by committee members. Although in its infancy, the PD&D wiki has a number of
pages that will assist committee members:
• The Issues Log page will be used for tracking the status of committee issues. It is
divided into two parts: Landmark & Zoning Issues, for tracking requests for zoning
changes and the community group letter required for permitting in the EV Landmark
District, and Development Advocacy Issues, for tracking things the committee may
want consider proactively. The log contains documents, articles and web links related
to each issue so that committee members can familiarize themselves.
• The Resources page has helpful links to the Departments of Zoning and Construction & Permits for
researching zoning maps, building permits as well as links to the Cook County Assessor's database
and the Landmarks Commission's historic resources survey.
• There is a page called Purpose, Policies & Procedures page, which will eventually contain standing
policies regarding landmarking, zoning changes, demolitions, development, etc. This will be very
helpful to keep us from reinventing the wheel each time an issue arises.
• The Project Review Protocols page contains the procedures which were adopted by the board
back in 1998 and used by the previous Planning & Development Committee until the committee was
dissolved in 2005. After some additional work, this document will be presented to the Board for readoption.
• The East Village Landmark District page contains the monthly updates EVA gets as
one of the organizations responsible for stewardship of the district. These notify us of
projects within the district, and once approve, the conditions agreed to by the parties.
• This web-workspace will be the primary tool for communication with and between
committee members. Each page contains a feature that allows for a running commentary by viewers,
which members are encouraged to use. The East Village general membership is welcome to
bring development issues and concerns for consideration by the committee to my attention at
up and running. This ‘wiki’, a sort of collaborative webpage, can be easily accessed and
edited by committee members. Although in its infancy, the PD&D wiki has a number of
pages that will assist committee members:
• The Issues Log page will be used for tracking the status of committee issues. It is
divided into two parts: Landmark & Zoning Issues, for tracking requests for zoning
changes and the community group letter required for permitting in the EV Landmark
District, and Development Advocacy Issues, for tracking things the committee may
want consider proactively. The log contains documents, articles and web links related
to each issue so that committee members can familiarize themselves.
• The Resources page has helpful links to the Departments of Zoning and Construction & Permits for
researching zoning maps, building permits as well as links to the Cook County Assessor's database
and the Landmarks Commission's historic resources survey.
• There is a page called Purpose, Policies & Procedures page, which will eventually contain standing
policies regarding landmarking, zoning changes, demolitions, development, etc. This will be very
helpful to keep us from reinventing the wheel each time an issue arises.
• The Project Review Protocols page contains the procedures which were adopted by the board
back in 1998 and used by the previous Planning & Development Committee until the committee was
dissolved in 2005. After some additional work, this document will be presented to the Board for readoption.
• The East Village Landmark District page contains the monthly updates EVA gets as
one of the organizations responsible for stewardship of the district. These notify us of
projects within the district, and once approve, the conditions agreed to by the parties.
• This web-workspace will be the primary tool for communication with and between
committee members. Each page contains a feature that allows for a running commentary by viewers,
which members are encouraged to use. The East Village general membership is welcome to
bring development issues and concerns for consideration by the committee to my attention at