Planning, Preservation & Development Committee Established

by Scott A. Rappe

After a hiatus of several years, a new Planning, Preservation & Development Committee was established at the April Board meeting. Enlarging the role of the previous Planning & Development Committee, the PD&D will attempt to be more proactive in advocating appropriate development, rather than simply reacting to development proposals.

As the name suggests, the committee will focus on three major areas:

The Planning effort will identify areas within East Village where new development is desirable and actively work to encourage appropriate development in those areas. It will also push forward the City’s stalled zoning re-mapping process, by surveying existing zoning classifications and recommending changes where necessary to encourage new development, or to protect existing resources.

As the original sponsor of the East Village Landmark District, the East Village Association has a stewardship responsibility that has been neglected in recent years. The Preservation focus of the committee will assume responsibility under the Landmark Ordinance to review proposed work within the Landmark District and write the ‘community letter’ required of permit applicants.

The Development aspect of the committee will work with developers to encourage the construction of appropriate, high-quality buildings that will serve the long-term needs of the community. Alderman Flores has committed to directing all zoning-change requests and development proposals within East Village to the East Village Association for review.

The committee is actively seeking members interested in working on these issues and formulating policy recommendations to the Board. To be effective, the Planning, Preservation & Development Committee should have a broad range of members with diverse backgrounds. Responsibilities will be assigned depending on the time commitment members are comfortable making.

Everyone’s time is valuable and all of us are busy, so we will attempt to handle as much committee business by email as possible, though we will meet when necessary. Even members with little available time can be of great assistance by volunteering to write an occasional letter or attend a hearing at City Hall.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Scott Rappe, at
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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