East Village Association General Membership Meeting Minutes
East Village Association General Membership Meeting Minutes
7 PM May 1, 2007, Happy Village Tavern
1. This was the first meeting with the new elected officers for this term.
2. The President announced the appointed directors; Deborah Milkowski, as the Dominick’s liaison, Scott Rappe,
Zoning, and Rohan Sundaralingam.
3. Meeting minutes from the April meeting were approved.
4. There is approximately $2000 in the general funds.
5. The East Village Association has acquired a new domain eastvillagechicago.org.
6. Mr. Stephen Rynkiewicz has volunteered to set up a web design, assisted with Marjorie Isaacson.
7. Aaron Bilton has offered to be the library committee person.
8. Representative from the 13th Police District, Commander Christine Kohlman and Sergeant were the guest speakers.
They updated us on crime rates and took questions from the floor. Their e-mail address is Caps013district@
9. The Pizza Hut on the corner of Ashland and Division has closed for business. No one knew at the time of the
meeting who will occupy the property.
East Village Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
7 PM May 7, 2007, Happy Village Tavern
In attendance: Mary Szpur, Brian Thompson, Scott Rappe, Rohan Sundaralingam, Marjorie Isaacson, Steve
Rynkiewicz, Greg Nagel
1. A motion was passed to re-establish a committee to review zoning and development issues that require input from
East Village Association. The name of this committee will be: Planning, Preservation, and Development. The head of
the committee is Scott Rappe.
2. Vice President Brian Thompson will be head of the Membership Committee. He plans to concentrate on selling ads
to local businesses over the next month. He needs volunteers!
3. Marjorie Isaacson, Frankie Machine Garden liaison to EVA, passed out a document to Board members summarizing
the history of Frankie Machine Garden and EVA’s relationship to this special community garden.
4. Marjorie Isaacson passed out a document summarizing the history of Frankie Machine Garden and EVA's relationship
to this special community garden to all Board members.
5. We need to formalize a way to invite residents who are unaware of EVA to come to a meeting, and to join the
group. We discussed creating a one-page flyer, and distributing it house to house, and how to make this action compliant
with the handbill ordinance.
6. A suggestion was made to increase membership by asking each board member to bring two persons or one email
of a neighbor to the next monthly membership meeting.
7. Greg Nagel agreed to serve as EVA aldermanic liaison to the 1st and 32nd Wards. He will invite Aldermen Flores
and Waguespack to be guests at the August EVA meeting and barbecue. Please bring issues for discussion with the
aldermen to Greg’s attention.
8. We discussed an online EVA website or blog. Steve Rynkiewicz and Marjorie Isaacson are heading up this committee.
They need volunteers!
9. No new information regarding Dominick’s on Chicago Avenue.
10. No new information regarding a new library on Chicago Avenue.
11. We need volunteers for Greening/Recycling committee!
Instead of reading the minutes….
Come to a meeting and bring a friend!
7 PM May 1, 2007, Happy Village Tavern
1. This was the first meeting with the new elected officers for this term.
2. The President announced the appointed directors; Deborah Milkowski, as the Dominick’s liaison, Scott Rappe,
Zoning, and Rohan Sundaralingam.
3. Meeting minutes from the April meeting were approved.
4. There is approximately $2000 in the general funds.
5. The East Village Association has acquired a new domain eastvillagechicago.org.
6. Mr. Stephen Rynkiewicz has volunteered to set up a web design, assisted with Marjorie Isaacson.
7. Aaron Bilton has offered to be the library committee person.
8. Representative from the 13th Police District, Commander Christine Kohlman and Sergeant were the guest speakers.
They updated us on crime rates and took questions from the floor. Their e-mail address is Caps013district@
9. The Pizza Hut on the corner of Ashland and Division has closed for business. No one knew at the time of the
meeting who will occupy the property.
East Village Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
7 PM May 7, 2007, Happy Village Tavern
In attendance: Mary Szpur, Brian Thompson, Scott Rappe, Rohan Sundaralingam, Marjorie Isaacson, Steve
Rynkiewicz, Greg Nagel
1. A motion was passed to re-establish a committee to review zoning and development issues that require input from
East Village Association. The name of this committee will be: Planning, Preservation, and Development. The head of
the committee is Scott Rappe.
2. Vice President Brian Thompson will be head of the Membership Committee. He plans to concentrate on selling ads
to local businesses over the next month. He needs volunteers!
3. Marjorie Isaacson, Frankie Machine Garden liaison to EVA, passed out a document to Board members summarizing
the history of Frankie Machine Garden and EVA’s relationship to this special community garden.
4. Marjorie Isaacson passed out a document summarizing the history of Frankie Machine Garden and EVA's relationship
to this special community garden to all Board members.
5. We need to formalize a way to invite residents who are unaware of EVA to come to a meeting, and to join the
group. We discussed creating a one-page flyer, and distributing it house to house, and how to make this action compliant
with the handbill ordinance.
6. A suggestion was made to increase membership by asking each board member to bring two persons or one email
of a neighbor to the next monthly membership meeting.
7. Greg Nagel agreed to serve as EVA aldermanic liaison to the 1st and 32nd Wards. He will invite Aldermen Flores
and Waguespack to be guests at the August EVA meeting and barbecue. Please bring issues for discussion with the
aldermen to Greg’s attention.
8. We discussed an online EVA website or blog. Steve Rynkiewicz and Marjorie Isaacson are heading up this committee.
They need volunteers!
9. No new information regarding Dominick’s on Chicago Avenue.
10. No new information regarding a new library on Chicago Avenue.
11. We need volunteers for Greening/Recycling committee!
Instead of reading the minutes….
Come to a meeting and bring a friend!