Report from a recycling block captain
1st Ward residents continue to use their blue carts enthusiastically – and on behalf of the principles of resource conservation and environmental preservation, I thank you! If you’re really recycling all you could be, you’ve probably noticed a big change in what’s going into those old black supercarts. Before the blue carts came, you may have needed two, three or even four supercarts for your building’s garbage. Now that more than half of what you used to throw away is being recycled, your black toters are probably not being filled up. Some people have complained to me that the blue carts make the alleys “too crowded.” Not a problem. If you find you don’t need all the black garbage carts you formerly used, the Department of Streets and Sanitation (DSS) urges you to give them up. When the garbage truck comes for pickup and the crews have to empty two half-filled carts, that takes twice as much time than emptying one full cart. This is a significant efficiency issue when you think abou...